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G-hold modification on the Stealth Kayaks ProFisha 575

April 05th, 2013 | Railblaza Team

Here’s modification made to our G-holds showing the versatility in our system.. turning the under side of the lid on the  Stealth Kayaks ProFisha 575, into a useful storage solution for items such as Gaffs, knives, lipper grips & torches to name a few. As you will see in the above video from where he has removed the StarPort adaptor from the base of the G-Hold, using the brass thread in the the G-Hold I have secured the G-hold to the underside of the console lid on the bolt used to secure the StarPort attached to the surface..for the 2nd G-Hold he has utilised one of the bolts used to hold the Fish finder to the lid. Both G-Holds can be easily removed when not needed. Find out more about the G-Holds HERE