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A pledge Ross Pratt made eight years ago, when he started RAILBLAZA, to support youth sailing, has resulted in a new partnership with Yachting New Zealand that will also benefit yachties and boaties.
Ross started RAILBLAZA, who produce easy-to-use mounting systems for anything from paddleboards and boats to kayaks and vehicles. It’s a New Zealand company whose merchandise is made in this country and their products are sold in 48 countries.
“I’ve been a yachtie for 40 years and I didn’t have have the opportunity to get the training in the early days that the guys get now,” Ross said. “When I started this company, I wanted to give some money back into yachting for youth development.
“Our partnership with Yachting New Zealand is also a really good fit for us. There are a lot of parents who are supporting their kids who have boats of their own, whether they’re into fishing or cruising. We have an extensive range of products from fishing rod holders to ipad and drink holders.”